[Unitree GO1] Installing LiDAR-Drivers on the robot

Hello, hopefully my last question before ending my thesis :smiley:,

im trying to install the drivers of a Velodyne VLP-16 on the Unitree Go1 Edu. The problem im facing is that im unable to install via “sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-velodyne”, because for melodic it says its unable to locate the package (ros-noetic-velodyne would work).
After that i was trying to install the drivers via GitHub, copying the repo to the catkin_ws and did catkin_make_isolated, im having the problem that i need the diagnostics package. So for the diagnostic package theres the same issue with installing, what means that i cant install with “sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-diagnostics”.

So my question is, if you could help me to install the driver on melodic.

In addition my other ideas would be to upgrade the rosversion of the robot to noetic or sending the velodyne data via the robot wifi to my host pc and run the driver on that pc. But im not sure if this ideas could work.

Thank you in advance for your answer,


im trying to install the drivers of a Velodyne VLP-16 on the Unitree Go1 Edu. The problem im facing is that im unable to install via “sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-velodyne”, because for melodic it says its unable to locate the package (ros-noetic-velodyne would work).
After that i was trying to install the drivers via GitHub, copying the repo to the catkin_ws and did catkin_make_isolated, im having the problem that i need the diagnostics package. So for the diagnostic package theres the same issue with installing, what means that i cant install with “sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-diagnostics”.

It seems the issue is that your Unitree GO1 is not having WiFi. Once connected to WiFi, you should be able to install velodyne and its dependencies. An example is here.

In addition my other ideas would be to upgrade the rosversion of the robot to noetic or sending the velodyne data via the robot wifi to my host pc and run the driver on that pc. But im not sure if this ideas could work.

I would say go for docker as it is the easiest option in this case.

Thank you for your answer,
the Wifi is not the problem, i was connected to the internet.

For testing i also tried it in my main pc and had the same issue, e.g.:
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-velodyne didnt worked but
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-velodyne worked fine.

And for your 2nd answer could you maybe give me a more information, i didnt worked with docker yet.

Best regards

Please try


I think you are confusing 2 different ROS Distros, Ubuntu 20.04 supports only ROS Noetic and Ubuntu 18.04 supports only ROS Melodic. If you have Noetic than the Melodic one will ofcourse not work. You have to check the Nvidia version because the drivers should work.

Yes i know that i can just use melodic on Ubuntu 18.04, i just wanted to figure out if its a general problem with the installation command or if its a problem with the specific command for melodic.

Nevermind :smiley: i tried “echo $ROS_DISTRO” and on the raspberrypi is melodic installed. But im still unable to install the velodyne drivers for melodic via “sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-velodyne” (Wifi-Connection to the internet is active).

Could you recommend another way to install the drivers?

Ahh you are trying to install it in the Pi. I dont think the bloom version of velodyne supports Pi. You have to use either arm64 or amd64 arch for the velo driver.

You would have to probably re-write their driver to make it work with the pi.

Yes, well i found a solution for my problem. Thank you for your help.

I got just two small questions left.
First: how can i subscribe the camera_images via ros?
Second: Is there a CAD-Model for the Robot (Edu plus) for free usage?

Best regards

  1. rostopic sub camera_pkg_name camer_topic or write a python subscriber for the image topic
  2. In go1_description/meshes are the CAD files for the GO1. If you want them to be statically connected, you can import them into blender and place them in their respective positions. The joints in URDF will help you determine the position of each link relative to each other.

Ah okay theres my problem, i didnt started the camera-driver.

But when i tried to start the camera driver via “roslaunch go1_camera cameras_13.launch” i found out, that the go1_camera-package isnt building.

  1. Please make sure to remove the CATKIN_IGNORE from the package.
  2. Install all dependencies.
  3. Kill the camera node as mentioned in the Readme.md
  4. Disable auto startup
  5. Export the correct environment variables for ROS multi machine

Yes it was the thing with the CATKIN_IGNORE i didn’t saw.

Am i right with my assumption that the multi-machine-setup online works with the wired connection.

In my case i want to see the camera image on my main pc. My solution for that would be to install the camera_driver on the raspberrypi and then would write a republisher to send the image-topic to my main pc via WiFi.

Would it work to install the camera_driver on the raspberrypi or do you have a better solution for that case?

Am i right with my assumption that the multi-machine-setup online works with the wired connection.

Multi-machine works on wifi as well.

Would it work to install the camera_driver on the raspberrypi or do you have a better solution for that case?

I advise you to install the ROS drivers in each of the Nvidias as they are separate PCs and use multimachine to access it over the network. The camera_drivers wont work on the pi because each camera is physically connected to the PCs hence each PC requires its own instance of ros camera driver installed and running.

I see, for that case i need two advices. Where on the robot is the HDMI-Port for the Board? (I just need the front camera).

And on the nvidia boards there is no catkin workspace, do i have to create a new workspace?

I see, for that case i need two advices. Where on the robot is the HDMI-Port for the Board? (I just need the front camera).

I do not remember which port it was but you can try executing ifconfig to see the current board’s IP via the HDMI.

And on the Nvidia boards there is no catkin workspace, do i have to create a new workspace?

Yes, and you must clone and install dependencies as well.

Okay, i just need to know where the hdmi port for the board of the front camera is. I didnt found anything for this in the docu.
And for installing the dependencies, has the nvidia board a wifi modul or how can i get internet acces?

Does the camera driver package works without the rest of the qre_go1 folder? In that case i would try to download all dependencies to the raspberrypi and send them via scp to the nvidia board.

yes it should but i have not tested.

Good morning :slight_smile:

I managed it to install the camera driver (and only the camera driver) without any errors on the nano board, but when im starting the driver i have some errors (picture 1).

Maybe the reason for the problem is the same reason for the problem, that the cameras arent shown anymore in the web interface? (picture 2)

So my question is how to enable the cameras again?

Best regards

Dear Alex the pictures are not attached.