We are currently setting up and working with the Go2 robot we recently received. We successfully tested the connection via Ethernet and were able to run RViz on our computer, visualize all the robot’s topics, and control it.
Now, we need to control the robot over WiFi. To achieve this, I added another interface (wlan0) in the ~/cyclone_ws/cyclone_dds.xml file and tested whether I could see the ROS topics via WiFi. After trying various configuration settings, I reached a point where I can see a topic on our work PC (talker example) when run on the robot via SSH over WiFi and echo it with (listener example), and vice versa. We tried both PC ROS2 Foxy ↔ Go2 and PC ROS2 Humble ↔ Go2.
However, on the work PC, I cannot see other ROS topics related to the robot over WiFi, even when I stop the go2 service and manually start the bringup.
For our use cases, it is crucial that the robot can be controlled and visualized via WiFi. Do you have any suggestions for us, or have you encountered a similar situation before?
Thank you.