[Unitree Go2] qre_go2 installation issues

[Starting a new thread as requested]

Currently, we’re still having issues when installing qre_go2 on both the Go2 and the Host.


After adding internet connectivity with a USB WiFi dongle and cloning the foxy-nvidia branch, we followed the instructions:

  • Executed the go2_install.bash script
  • Build the repo executing colcon build --symlink-install

The compilation stops at the go2_examples with the error:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:37 (find_package):
  By not providing "Findgo2_srvs.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
  asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "go2_srvs",
  but CMake did not find one.

  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "go2_srvs" with any
  of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "go2_srvs" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "go2_srvs_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If
  "go2_srvs" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
  been installed.

Host Pc

We performed the following tasks:

  • Cloned the foxy brach in ~/ros2_ws
  • Checked ros2 was unset
  • build the DDS package executing colcon build --packages-select cyclonedds
  • sourced both install/setup.bash and /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
  • build (twice) executing colcon build --symlink-install

The compilation stops at the go2_base with the error:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:43 (find_package):
  By not providing "Findgo2_srvs.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
  asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "go2_srvs",
  but CMake did not find one.

  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "go2_srvs" with any
  of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "go2_srvs" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "go2_srvs_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If
  "go2_srvs" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has
  been installed.```

Dear Nino once you build the package source it and then rebuild it.

After the first build source the workspace i.e. source install/setup.bash and then rebuild again