[Unitree Go2 Pro] / unitree_sdk2 / Can not run example code

Hi Everyone

We recently purchased the Go2 Pro Package, including the Go2-Remote Controller and the Go2 battery (standard version), and I would like to request your assistance in troubleshooting one software problem…

When we attempt to a program on the robot, it seems we are unable to utilize the SDK with the Unitree Go2 Pro model. Below is an example of the code they we trying to run:

Code example

Could you please confirm whether this code can only be executed on the Unitree Go2 Edu model?

Additionally, if that is the case, could you provide any recommendations or workarounds to address this software compatibility issue?

Thank you for your support.

Dear @Emiske,

The Unitree Go2 Pro is not programmable or usable with the UnitreeSDK, only the edu versions have that capacity.

Yes, this works in the edu model.

This is Unitree’s business model. Currently, there is no work around to make the pro version work with the Unitree SDK or any sort of external device.

You can have a look at what you can do with go2 edu here QR DOCS.