[Unitree Go2 EDU] Low-level example on real robot

My computer is properly connected to the built-in computer of the Go2 robot (the example in Quick Start warks fine: unitree_sdk2/build/bin → sudo ./low_level ####), but I fail to run low-level control example from unitree_sdk2_python/example/go2/low_level on G02 edu version. Error message:

~/Unitree/unitree_sdk2_python/example/go2/low_level$ python3 go2_stand_example.py enp4s0
WARNING: Please ensure there are no obstacles around the robot while running this example.
Press Enter to continue...
[ClientStub] send request error. id: 346887602177741
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/b/Unitree/unitree_sdk2_python/example/go2/low_level/go2_stand_example.py", line 168, in <module>
  File "/home/b/Unitree/unitree_sdk2_python/example/go2/low_level/go2_stand_example.py", line 75, in Init
    while result['name']:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable


Hi @rachu,

While we do not directly develop the unitree_sdk, we do know that at times old code breaks either due to firmware changes or legacy code that hasn’t been updated.

As the default example is working, then for this case you may want to contact Unitree directly. Before you could submit an issue on GitHub but now as it is closed, they have introduced a new faster ticketing system.

Unitree Global Ticketing System: The steps are:

  1. Create a unitree account
  2. Goto Manual consultation
  3. Select relevant category and request feedback on it in this case the faulty code

Hope this helps!

S. O. Sohail

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