[Unitree Go1] Simulation

Hi Eveeryone,
I am getting started with the GO1. could you please help me with the following questions?

  1. Do I need to connect to the actual robot to launch the gazebo?
  2. Which version of Gazebo is recommended I am using 11.11
  3. I want to work with navigation, manipulation both in simulation and as well as with real robot. so do i go with noetic or melodic ???

Best Regards
Anudeep Sajja

Hi @Anudeep,

  1. No
  2. The ROS versions are usually tied to the Gazebo versions
  3. If you plan to use the onboard Nvidias on the Go1, they use ROS melodic, else its better to go for ROS noetic.

Hi Sohail,

I am using ros noetic and when i tried to launch gazebo with “roslaunch go1_gazebo gazebo.launch” it was taking a lot of time to open the gazebo and in the terminal i am encountering this issue

[ INFO] [1710851535.106630287]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1710851535.183013380]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
[INFO] [1710851562.983351, 0.000000]: Waiting for /clock to be available…
[INFO] [1710851562.986976, 0.000000]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller
[INFO] [1710851593.257722, 0.000000]: Waiting for /clock to be available…
[INFO] [1710851593.261407, 0.000000]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller

could you please help me what did i miss?
Steps I performed

  1. In a terminal i source to ros_noetic with ‘source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash’
  2. catkin build my directory and source with source ‘source devel/setup.bash’
  3. trying to launch the gazebo with ‘roslaunch go1_gazebo gazebo.launch’

could you please help me if i missed anything?

Best Regards
Anudeep Sajja

Hi @Anudeep,

I am not sure if you are familiar with ROS, the first time setup of Gazebo always takes time and is dependent on the hardware system as it has to download the assets and configure the environment.

HI Sohail,

Thanks it was because of my internet it takes too much time to load and download the required assets.However i tried with a new custom environments just with a simple wall.

Hi Sohali,

I want to ask a question regarding the SLAM and navigation, the GO1 documentation mentions the usage of 3D LIDAR for SLAM, what if I use a 2D Lidar with gazebo and as well as real robot?

Dear @Anudeep,

It should work and be infact easier to use!