[Unitree Go1] Rviz model Issue / ROS Camera Activation

You have to put each IP accordingly for example on nano with up, you have to put the corresponding code in the bashrc

# Nvidia PC
export ROS_IP=

and not the others. So for each corresponding PC get their own segment!

Yup. I put this on the front camera nano:
Screenshot from 2023-08-07 14-58-35
But the main pc part which I assume needs to go in the bashrc on my laptop doesn’t work which is this part:
Screenshot from 2023-08-07 15-05-33
. Because of this I get another error on the nano when launching the bringup.launch on the nano:

Does your PC have ROS installed, and also is the connection to the GO1 via ethernet cable with the IP

Yes, ROS is installed. I set as static ip adress for the ethernet connection to the go1. Then just run the bringup.launch on both the laptop and the nano? Because I did this, but the nodes are conflicting with each other.

front nano:

What are you running on the nano? You are supposed to run the camera drivers only in the nanos!

So just roslaunch go1_camera cameras_13.launch on the nano(front & chin camera and run bringup.launch on the laptop on which I want to receive the videostream?

The stream will come to the main PC which would be having the IP i.e. your laptop, you can visualize via RVIZ.