[Unitree Go1] Regarding Time Sync of Go1

Hey @Sohail

I actually wanted to ask how can I make my Go1 time sync as my Go1 is currently in past (22nd May 2024), how can I make it perfect with current time and make sure it is always in time sync ? As one of my colleagues changed manually once and it worked for that day but later again it started to differ from current time. Can you please guide me as one of the solutions I found is to do NTP but is it ok to do in Go1? as I believe currently it is not having NTP in it.


Hi @Ravin,

Yes, you would have to enalbe NTP in the Nvidia and it shouldnt disrupt anything, an alternative is to sync once using cronjob from a known source like the internet or PC.

Thank you @Sohail

I have done ntpdate as per my ip address and have added that in the script in a way that whenever I will login it will just update time as per my computer.

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