[Unitree Go1] Problems with unitree_ros_to_real


i have two small question i couldnt figure out yet. My first problem is, that the robot cant subscribe the /high_cmd topic. The Error says: “Cannot load message class for [unitree_legged_msgs/HighCmd]”

sport_mode version is 1.37.0
firmware version for H0.1.9 is 0.1.39

And my second question is, i wanne install the ros packages of my velodyne lidar scanner, but dont know how to do it in your system. Maybe you could give me a short instruction how to install new ros packages on the raspberry pi.

Thank you for you answer,


Hi @alexhannover,

Could you specify which unitree robot you are using?

The Error says: “Cannot load message class for [unitree_legged_msgs/HighCmd]”

The terminal from which you are running this command does not have the ROS workspace either built or sourced. Also, we recommend using the ROS wrappers provided by us.

And my second question is, i wanne install the ros packages of my velodyne lidar scanner, but dont know how to do it in your system. Maybe you could give me a short instruction how to install new ros packages on the raspberry pi.

As a general rule, it is preferable to run heavy computation on higher spec PC e.g. the Nvidia and/or your own custom PC. Say for the A1, we would connect the lidar to the A1’s Nvidia, install the ROS packages and dependencies, and view the data via ros multi machine.

Thank you for your answer.

Lets focus on the first problem.

Im using the Unitree Go1 Edu. I was trying to run example_walk.cpp on my main pc and could subscribe the topic there too. But the robot wasnt moving so i went to the console of the robot and listed all topics.
I can see the /high_cmd topic but when im trying to subscribe the error message pops up.

Please send in a private message your Github username. As we have a much easier-to-use ROS wrapper for the unitree GO1 edu.

Dear sir, can you share me the ROS wrapper you mentioned ? My robot is Go1 edu, sir !
My github is Ngochuy2137
Thank you in advance !

Please email support@mybotshop.de