[Unitree Go1] Edu: Problem accessing front-facing camera

In our student project, we are capturing video from the Go1’s multiple cameras. Using OpenCV, we successfully accessed the live stream from the head camera (camera index 0, oriented downward). However, when attempting to access the front-facing camera (camera index 1), the program fails with the following error:

Available Cameras: [0, 1]
[WARN:0@11.735] global cap_v4l.cpp:1048 tryIoctl VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video1): select() timeout.

Notably, when using the Go1 App, all cameras except the front-facing one provide live streams; the front camera only displays a static (possibly outdated) image. Any insights into the potential cause of this issue and possible fixes would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Dear @Deno,

Before using the driver to access the front camera, you have to disable the automated node so that it is free to access. Instructions are given in Unitree docs. Also you can refer to the QRE docs.