[Unitree B1] No ROS in Nvidia

Has anyone get information on how to use B1 with ROS. It seems that ROS is not installed in the mini-PC. The Xavier NXs have ros installed but no host to run ROS

Dear @wongearth,

By default, the B1 has ROS melodic installed but no packages installed as it comes from manufacturers. If you wish to use it with ROS, you can directly clone the qre_b1 on your host PC and follow the instructions from there as well as from the docs.

We highly recommend usually not upgrading the B1 Nvidia or updating it as it may cause issues. Also, if you are starting off and are not familiar with the Nvidia Jetson boards, it would be easier to develop and test from your PC as you can perform both high and low-level control for the B1 via LAN without installing anything on the B1.

Hope the answers your query!

S. O. Sohail

Thank you for a quick reply. I am planing to install ROS on the mini-PC in B1. The Jetson Board has ROS installed but no master is running and no starting scripts to initialize the nodes to publish robot’s odometry and camera images/videos. Is there a manual on the setup of ROS on B1.

The link to provide seems to be unavailable.

Dear @wongearth,

If you have purchased the B1 from mybotshop/quadruped, please send your Github username and purchase id to support@mybotshop.de

We will add you and you can directly clone the ros repository to your PC build it and then control the B1 from there.

S. O. Sohail

I did not purchase from you. I mistook this site for an open forum. Thank you for your previous answers.

No issue, you can use the Unitree SDK, Unitree Legged SDK, and Unitree ROS, for controlling and operating the B1. The manual linked in the docs of the manufacturer also provides information on how to operate using their native software.