[Unitree A1] Unable to publish odom and cmd_vel topics

Hi I am working on unitree A1 quadruped on ubuntu 18.04 Ros melodic framework. I have installed all ros packages required for controlling the robot in gazebo simulation. but when I try to launch the quadruped model I don’t see odom and cmd_vel topics being published. Even on Rviz when I try to navigate the quadruped in gazebo using ./devel/lib/unitree_guide/junior_ctrl i see that the quadruped doesn’t move since it is fixed to base frame.

Dear @vchint6,

Are you using the ROS repository provided by us for A1 control? If not please email us on support@mybotshop.de with your purchase ID and Github username or Github email ID.

Dear @Sohail ,
I am a student working in a research lab. Therefore I don’t have any details of purchase ID or the A1 quadruped.
For the simulation I have installed all the ROS packages on my PC (Ubuntu 18.04) provided by unitreerobotics: https://github.com/unitreerobotics

Is there any other ROS repository for controlling A1?