[Unitree A1] Direct power supply


unfortunately in the quick tutorial there is no guidance in which connections the direct power supply has to be plugged in.
Is there any plug-up sheet that explains what the plugs are for? There is also no information in the A1 documents.

Kind regards

Hi Martin,

thanks for your topic.

On the back of the robot is written “INPUT” and the XT30 connectors have standard polarities.

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Thank you,

the VIN can be barely seen but it still is somewhat visible.


Do you have any power source available that can handle the 24V/20A at startup?

Hi Martin,

unfortunately not - We are buying from Reichelt as well :slight_smile: We are having a lot of these power supplies in our office: https://www.reichelt.de/labornetzgeraet-1-32-v-0-30-a-stabilisiert-peaktech-1560-p109069.html?PROVID=2788&gclid=CjwKCAjwqZSlBhBwEiwAfoZUIPPwiw3jIWns8A8xtyO1sK-Kfkw8tMO1C_cf0zm5YNuHkAog3P9UVBoCBQEQAvD_BwE

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Sorry for the bump, so I take it it’d be similar for Go1?

This means I wouldn’t be able to just use the battery charger DC power even if I have an adaptor to plug it into the robot directly?


It is recommended to use the direct power supply.

@Sohail I tested with the original charger, initially during startup everything works fine. But it immediately turned off (and restarted) when it’s trying to stand (understandably as the current spiked as you said).

So do you know how to disable the initial standing? I know how to disable the legs completely (to preserve battery) once the robot is started, but I have yet to find the way to do that on startup.

Dear @ETM,

There is a way to disable the initial standing, and it is done by changing the scripts in the pi/atom board which is the hint I can provide. However, I do not recall the procedure to do it as it was done a long time ago.

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