Schunk gripper on Ufactory Xarm7

Good morning everybody.

We tried to use a schunk gripper on an UFactory Xarm7 robot.
Although the gripper claims to be ready, we´re unable to command
it to open or close.
Anyone else had problems with non-Ufactory grippers used on these



Btw, is it possible to run programs offline without using a pc and how?
Sorry for silly questions, we´re new to business. :wink:

About your second question:

As far as I know about the Xarm5 (which is basically the same with less joints), it is possible to set timed tasks and tasks which are executed if an event happens, for example a digital input value is set.

This can be configured in the settings on the control box in Xarm Studio.

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Dear Basti,

to be honest, we don’t have a close relationship with Schunk, but with ROBOTIQ and already integrated them several times on xArm - May our docs can help a bit: Husky-xARM6-Robotiq — MBS Husky-xARM6-Robotiq 1.0.0 documentation