cmake build error

I’m trying to get the qre_go1 repository running in my workspace, but when I run catkin build I’m getting a lot of cmake errors. It says it can’t find the package configuration files. So I’m thinking my workspace is not setup correctly. I made a wokspace called ‘catkin_ws’ and made a src folder in the workspace. Then I cloned the qre_go1 repo inside of the src folder and I cloned the Yujin_ocs repo inside of the qre_go1 repo.

Screenshot from 2023-04-03 09-55-13

Is this the right setup?

Seems correct. It should work could you please post the error!

Alternatively for quick debugging remove yujin ocs and add a file in go1_navigation of CATKIN_IGNORE. Then rebuild the workspace!

Thanks for the reply.
It said “could not find ecl_build”. I installed the package and now that error is gone. I also installed the yocs msgs package as It couldn’t find that one neither, so that is now solved. It’s now saying it can’t find a package configuration file provided by "ar_track_alvar_msgs-config.cmake. But I’m not sure where to install that package.

Please only install the yujin’s velocity smoother package, the issue is that you are building for the entirety of the yujin, you can delete all the ros packages of yujin except for the velocity smoother.

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Oh, I see. Thank you. That solved it! :grimacing:

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