Astra Sereo S not working under ROS Noetic running on RPi

Hi all,

I have a Question regarding the turtlebot camera upgrade kit. It is based on an Orbbec Astra Sereo S camera. I tried almost everything to get a signal from the camera.

  • Using Win 11 I installed the Windows driver and the computer finds the camera in the device manager but the Orbbec Viewer doesn’t find it. Also under Linux the camera can’t be found. Same on the Raspberry Pi 4B platform under Linux and ROS Noetic (the main system where the camera should run). After a lot hours of software experiments I wonder if it could be the hardware but if yes why dose the camera appear in the device manager and show up a green lamp on the camera itself.

For using under ROS I followed that instruction: GitHub - orbbec/ros_astra_camera: ROS wrapper for Astra camera
Is there anybody who could help?

Dear @JohnVahlensieck,

Can you post a screenshot of the error that you get in ROS / Ubuntu. Also, a quick lead to the solution might be in the GitHub Issues section.

Hi Sohail,
thanks for coming back to my topic. Here is the full shell shell when I try to start roslaunch astra_camera astra.launch

I definently double checked that the camera is connected.
See my usb device when the camera is pluged in:
And now with unplugged camera:

Many tanks and best regards
John Vahlensieck

Has the udev rules for the astra camera been installed? You can check via this link.

Hi Soheil,

sorry for the late response. I double checked it now. The rules are correctly installed:

Hi @JohnVahlensieck,

To eliminate the possibility of the issue being from the raspberry pi, could you try installing it in a native Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS noetic?

Also, some depth cameras like the ZED2 require a USB 3.0 port, I am not sure if it is applicable to this but it might be a cause of the issue.